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Access the DMPTOOL

The DMPTool is an online tool that includes data management plan templates for many of the large funding agencies that require them, including the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and many others.

The tool includes general guidance, links to helpful documentation, issues to consider, and specific questions to think about as you prepare your data management plan. Space is provided to compose a response for each of the main areas that your funding agency would like for you to address in your plan. You can share your plan with collaborators or save a copy to your local drive in .txt .docx .csv, or .pdf formats.

To use the DMPTool:

  • Connect to the DMPTool
  • Choose Option One and type 'Drexel University'
  • Sign in if you have a DMPTool account
  • If you are a new user, create a DMPTool account with a username and password; password must be 8 - 30 characters. Please use your Drexel email address.
  • Select “Create a Plan” to create a new data management plan. Select your proposed funding agency from the drop-down list, then proceed through the steps of the DMPTool.

For further assistance, email or contact your subject librarian.