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All News tagged "events"

Dragons on the Gridiron: A History of Football at Drexel

Submitted on December 14, 2011 - 9:37AM

Drexel University Libraries invites you to two exciting events marking the opening of a new exhibition on the history of football at Drexel.

Wednesday, January 18th -- Coffee & Conversation Event, 4 - 6 PM Join alumni, faculty, students, administrators and friends for a conversation about the role of athletics in the University; past, present and future. Special Guests TBA. 4:00 - 5:00 PM, reception, 5:00 - 6:00 PM, conversation Coffee and Light refreshments will be provided.

Saturday, January 28th -- Homecoming Event, 11:30 - 1:30 PM Join the campus in celebrating Drexel's homecoming with this new exhibit from Archives and Special Collections. Featuring items selected by alumni of the football team, the exhibit will detail the history of the Drexel football. The event will feature special screenings of historic football films and remarks from football alumni. Refreshments will be provided.

For more information, please contact Jenny James Lee or 215-571-4095. Both events will be held in W. W. Hagerty Library at the corner of 33rd & Market Streets. A valid photo ID is required to enter the building.

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Research Skills & Database Searching Workshop

Submitted on November 1, 2011 - 8:27AM

Working on a research project? Thinking about a project? This workshop will help you get started and thinking effectively about your information searching and organization.
Thursday, November 3
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
W. W. Hagerty Library - Room L33
Advance sign up is requested - just email & tell us your name, major and email. See you there -

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Going National with Apple Computers: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - 11/10/11

Submitted on October 30, 2011 - 9:56PM

Thursday, November 10th from 6 - 8 PM Library Learning Terrace, 33rd & Race Streets Add to my calendar

In 1985, Steve Jobs visited Drexel to congratulate the University on its cutting edge decision to require all incoming students to have a personal computer. This project, the Microcomputer Project, changed learning at Drexel and inspired a culture of innovation. Join Drexel University Libraries for a special screening of the entertaining and informative documentary, Going National, produced by Dean of Pennoni Honors College, Dave Jones, Ph.D., which details the project and the cutting edge decision that Drexel took by choosing Macintosh computers. Following the film, a panel of special guests will speak about the film and the Microcomputer Project, as well as how technology can impact and influence learning.

Panelists: Dave Jones, Dean of Pennoni Honors College & Director of Going National Paula Cohen, Distinguished Professor of English Sheldon Master, member of Apple's first dedicated sales force, President/Owner at Haddonfield Micro Associates, Inc. John Gruber, Apple enthusiast, writer, blogger and Drexel alumnus

Moderator: Youngmoo Kim, Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Assistant Dean of Media Technologies

This event is in conjunction with Access Everywhere: Computing at Drexel, 1984 - Present, an exhibit mounted by the Drexel University Archives. The exhibit is on display at W. W. Hagerty Library from October 18, 2011 - December 10, 2011.

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Make it Yours: Transforming Drexel University Libraries event on Tuesday, October 25th Engages Audience in Conversation about the Libraries' Future

Submitted on October 28, 2011 - 6:19PM

On Tuesday, October 25th nearly 40 faculty, staff and students attended Make it Yours: Transforming Drexel University Libraries, to participate in a discussion about the future of the Libraries. After months of planning, and a July Future Search Conference, the Libraries presented a draft of the strategic initiatives that will help to shape its future. These initiatives were briefly presented by Dean of Libraries Danuta A. Nitecki, who then held an open discussion with attendees asking for suggestions and feedback. The passionate audience carried on a conversation for the remaining 45 minutes, asking for clarification on issues, agreeing with initiatives and presenting new ideas to be considered in the final draft. Among suggested distinctions faculty members made were that the Libraries provides access to ideas and authoritative information and that it guides students in use of technologies. For more information about the Make it Yours transformation, please visit

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Faculty, Staff and Students Discuss Computing at Drexel through the Years

Submitted on October 26, 2011 - 3:00PM

[caption id='attachment_516' align='alignleft' width='190' caption='University Archivist Rob Sieczkiewicz, Professor Jeremy Johnson, Professor Tom Hewett and Professor Ray Brebach'][/caption] Drexel faculty, students and staff gathered at W. W. Hagerty Library on Tuesday, October 18, for Coffee, Conversation and Computing, an event in collaboration with the exhibit Access Everywhere, Computing at Drexel 1984 - Present. The exhibition, which runs through December 10th, begins with Drexel's Mircocomputer Project and the distribution of Macintosh computers to Drexel students and faculty in 1984. Attendees of the event were treated to a conversation with professors Tom Hewett and Ray Brebach, who were on campus for this exciting event in Drexel's history. They shared their memories and experiences of a time when the entire campus quickly adjusted to incorporating computers in all disciplines and in many projects. Professor Jeremy Johnson added the perspective of a computer scientist as attendees discussed the impact of several key information technologies at Drexel over the past several decades. The group seemed to agree that while the introduction of the Macintosh computer to Drexel was the most dramatic change several other computing innovations have also drastically affected the campus community. One of these transformative items was wireless computing. Mr. Hewett remembered the moment when a colleague first demonstrated how the Apple base station could connect several items in a room to the Internet without cables. Conversation ranged from Drexel's role as an innovator in computing, to the complex relationship between books and hypertext, and to the future of input devices beyond the mouse and keyboard. Missed this discussion? Join us for Going National with Apple Computers: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow on Thursday, November 18th, as we discuss the role of technology in learning and its impact on the Drexel community and beyond.

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Digital@Drexel: Presentation and Showcase - 11/18/11

Submitted on October 24, 2011 - 7:24PM

Add to my Calendar What is Digital@Drexel? Digital@Drexel is an informal group of individual Drexel research and teaching faculty, librarians, and archivists, who create, manage, and/or provide support for the unique digital content produced in research and class projects. The group has a diverse membership that works together to identify digital research and preservation needs, problems, opportunities and advances. Digital@Drexel began in summer 2011 after faculty members and Drexel University Libraries identified a need to support the evolving digital culture and for managing the digital assets produced by the Drexel community. 9:30 AM - Digital Landscape and Content Strategy in Higher Education A presentation by William Ying, Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Technology for ARTstor. Mr. Ying received his Doctorate of Engineering Science and Masters of Science from Columbia University and his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Computer Science from Cornell University. 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Digital@Drexel Showcasing digital projects from Drexel University faculty, students and staff including:
  • Digital Cultural Heritage - Dr. Glen Muschio, Associate Professor, Westphal
  • Augmented Avenue: Memories of Lancaster Avenue - Dr. Mimi Sheller, Director of the mCenter at Drexel
  • Digital@iSchool - Dr. Xia Lin, Professor, iSchool at Drexel
  • Seeking Women's History - The Legacy Center, Drexel University College of Medicine
  • Leveraging Google Spreadsheets with Google Apps Scripts for Manipulating Chemical Information and other Bibliometric Tasks - Dr. Jean-Claude Bradley, Associate Professor, Chemistry
  • Photographs of the Tidewater Granary Explosion - Drexel University Archives
  • Interactive Technologies @ Drexel for Research, Learning, and Entertainment - Dr. Youngmoo Kim, Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean of Media Technologies
  • Drexel Smart House
  • More projects coming soon...
For more information, visit our website at

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Archives Event: Dragon's Salute to Service

Submitted on July 25, 2011 - 12:43PM

'Dragon's Salute to Service' July 7 - August 1, 2011 Visit the James E. Marks Intercultural Center Exhibition Gallery this July for a special exhibit: 'Art & Artifacts.' This exhibit features 'Freedom's On Me,' the work of renowned multimedia illustrator and U.S. Army Corporal Poto Leifi, and 'A Snap Shot of Drexel's Veterans,' an archival history of veterans on campus. The exhibit will be on display throughout the month of July. Sponsored by: The Office of Veteran Student Services and The Veteran's Task Force at Drexel, ARMY ROTC at Drexel, the Drexel University Archives and the Office of Equality and Diversity.

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Welcome Back, Friend!

Submitted on March 25, 2011 - 10:47PM

We're so glad to see you. Want to be friends? Like us on Facebook and find out what's happening. Here are a couple of teasers. We're welcoming you back with two events:
  • The E-Resources Fair is this Tuesday 10am-2pm. Stop by the atrium and find out what's new in online research resources.
  • Library Quizzo is Thursday, March 31st 4:30-6pm. Gather a team of your smartest, most competitive friends and head on over to Bookmark Cafe to answer questions about Philadelphia, Drexel, and the libraries. There will be prizes and refreshments, of course.
Need more information? Read all about it on Facebook.

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3/31/11 - Welcome Back Week Quizzo

Submitted on March 1, 2011 - 3:17PM

Gather a group of friends and join the Libraries for Welcome Back Week Quizzo. Enjoy complimentary popcorn, drinks and soft pretzels while your team answers questions about Philadelphia, Drexel University, the Libraries and current events. The top three scoring teams will receive prizes.

Thursday, March 31st W. W. Hagerty's Bookmark Cafe 4:30 - 6:00 PM

Hosts include: Rob Sieczkiewicz (University Archivist), Jay Bhatt (Engineering Reference Librarian), Ellie Goldberg (Library Assistant, Information Services) and more!


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Exhibit and discussion: Researching Diversity at Drexel

Submitted on August 15, 2011 - 1:29PM

Our latest exhibition, 'Researching Diversity at Drexel,' opened August 10. This week we'll be hosting an opening reception with coffee and conversation about researching and documenting diversity.

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Join us for a hands-on processing workshop April 23

Submitted on April 9, 2010 - 9:00AM

Join the Drexel University Archives and DU College of Medicine Archives for a hands-on archives processing workshop at Hagerty Library on Friday, April 23, 2010, from 9-5.

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Engineers Week continues: Celestial Space and Eternal Darkness

Submitted on February 17, 2010 - 1:46PM

In 1960, Drexel honored Jacques and Auguste Piccard with its Science and Engineering Award as part of the eleventh annual Drexel Engineer's Day.

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Join us for a hands-on processing workshop February 5

Submitted on January 29, 2010 - 9:00AM

Join the Drexel University Archives for a hands-on archives processing workshop on Friday, February 5th, 2010, from 10-4.

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One Hour Left in the eResource Fair at Hagerty Library

Submitted on October 1, 2009 - 12:50PM

You have one hour left to enjoy the food, prizes and eResources at Hagerty Library's 1st ever eResources Fair until 2 p.m. today.

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New Exhibition in the Creese Student Center and Online!

Submitted on August 18, 2009 - 10:37AM

Please stop by the lobby of the Creese Student Center to see an exhibition titled: The Enriched Collegiate Experience: Historical Photographs of Student Clubs, Teams, Organizations, and Events.

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Digital@Drexel Presentation and Showcase Event Highlights Digital Projects at Drexel

Submitted on November 21, 2011 - 4:15PM

Over a dozen digital projects were on display at the Digital@Drexel Presentation and Showcase event on Friday, November 18th at W. W. Hagerty Library. 

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