Membership in BioMed Central Provides Discounts for Drexel Authors
March 2, 2016
Since 2012, Drexel University Libraries has maintained a membership in BioMed Central (BMC). BMC is a publisher of open-access journals heavily focused in life sciences, clinical medicine, science, and technology. Over 180 of BMC's journals are peer-reviewed and ranked by Thomson Reuters in the Journal Citation Report.

Open-access journals cover their costs through the collection of article-processing charges (APCs) which authors pay upon article acceptance. The Libraries' BMC membership, at the Supporting Member level, offers Drexel authors discounted APCs for articles accepted for BMC titles.
Since 2010, Drexel authors have published over 120 papers in peer-reviewed BMC journals. BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, and BMC Public Health have been the most popular for Drexel authors. Have questions about open-access publishing or the BMC journals? Your liaison librarian would be happy to speak with you!