Join the Libraries and #ChoosePrivacy this Week
May 4, 2016
Our privacy is increasingly threatened as technology, social media, mobile computing and 'big data' analytics continually expand and become more sophisticated in connecting and exposing us.

The recent Pew Research Center project on Privacy and Information Sharing reports that more than 90% of adults 'agree or strongly agree that consumers have lost control of how personal information is collected and used by companies.' A majority express a 'consistent lack of confidence about the security of everyday communication channels and the organizations that control them.' Hacking, key-logging, phishing and malware attacks make us all vulnerable.
Libraries, and librarians as a profession, are dedicated to providing access to information while defending the individual privacy and civil liberties of their patrons
This week, Drexel University Libraries joins in the American Library Association's annual event, Choose Privacy Week, to promote the importance of individual privacy rights. The week also celebrates the special role that libraries' and librarians' play in protecting privacy in the library and in society as a whole.
Throughout the week, we will share tips for protecting your privacy online, via social media and the Libraries' website. You can also visit W. W. Hagerty Library to browse an exhibit on threats to personal privacy and ways to protect yourself and contribute your own personal 'privacy horror stories' at the on-site exhibit or online.
Do you know who is storing your information? Depending on your privacy settings, this can include retailers, Web browsers, social media sites, and many more. Visit for our new Choose Privacy Library Guide, an ongoing resource for information on privacy and cybersecurity issues.