Drexel Libraries Launches 'Drexel Data Stories'
March 2, 2017
In February, the Libraries facilitated Drexel University's participation in the 2017 Love Your Data Week, a five-day international social media event that raises awareness of data management, sharing and preservation.
The theme for the 2017 event was 'data quality for researchers at any stage in their career,' and participating libraries, data specialists, and data centers shared posts on everything from tips and best practices for finding quality data to library guides that explain the importance of documenting and preserving data. There were even #LYD17-themed baked goods.

In celebration of #LYD17, Drexel University Libraries launched 'Drexel Data Stories' - a collaborative project between Drexel librarians and faculty that uses Twitter to promote Drexel research. The stories also aim to increase interest and awareness in data as citable research output among the global research community and provide credit to faculty developing highly valued data sets and products.
This new project, which will continue to appear on the Libraries Twitter account even now that #LYD17 has ended, showcases how Drexel University researchers use data in interesting application areas in a variety of disciplines from environmental sciences, informatics, and engineering to public health, nursing, media arts and design and education.
For more information or to include your research in the Drexel Data Stories project, contact Chris Badurek, Data Services Librarian, at cab484@drexel.edu.
Interested in a detailed account of Drexel's contribution to #LYD17? We've archived the conversation on Storify, and check out Our Story online.